Friday, March 11, 2011

the worst

you know how people have a list of things that are "the worst?" maybe it is just me (i'm a total pessimist apparently). anyways, my days has started out good, but two of my "worsts" have occurred. i don't know if this is a sign, hopefully not.

worst 1: untangling your earbuds. this needs no explanation. it just sucks. 

worst 2: waking up to a beautiful day and wanting to go running, but then you have to go to work, and by the time you get off at work (let's say, around 5:00), you are either too tired or the weather is no longer perfect. dumb. shouldn't i be rewarded for my desire to exercise?

A picture of a woman walking along the ocean.

this lady is totally BA. i want to be her. not really. i lied. she looks really intense. 

i will be this child. children have fun running right? i concur with myself.

maybe this will hurry spring along. maybe? 

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